Daily Dose: October 16
If you’re an unemployed ESL teacher in New South Wales, read this for some good news.
Or if you’ve ever daydreamed about slipping off to Africa for a few months to be a volunteer English teacher, check out this story about a young woman from the UK.
If you happen to be an EFL student and would rather talk on your phone in English than talk to a live person, find out about the googlescriber.
If you’re a teacher and want some quizes to “diagnose” yourself or your students, consider the “What Brady Are You?” Quiz (that one may not translate across cultures, but if anything is truly universal, my vote is for the Brady family), the “How Liberal or Conservative Are You”? Quiz, the “Are You Right or Left Brained?” Quiz, or my personal favorite (perhaps to assess students without telling them?): the “Are You A Sociopath?” Quiz. I found these quizzes via the logue of Seoul’s Blue Butterfly.