Around The Web On TEFL: January 31
- Get ready for the Top 100 Misspelled Words in English: here at the TEFL Logue, surprisingly or not, the most often misspelled words include langauge and Louge.
- Some insight on being bilingual in Spanish and English in Lebanon…Lebanon, Pennsylvania, that is.
- Think it’s hard to teach English without speaking your students’ language? How about if you’re legally blind too? (And it doesn’t mean she gets out of marking tests!)
- Asking whether or not employees speak Kurdish makes the news in Turkey.
- Kids are studying Spanish in the US.
- You’ve heard about conversational speaking – but conversational reading?
- Out of 1000 employees at the US embassy in Bagdhad, guess how many speak Arabic? Find out here and see what influece this has on the US focus on language learning.
- Finally, if you’re in Prague, you can relax: English-language theater is on the way.