Volunteering & Working Abroad Forum Threads for the week of October 2, 2006
Check out these topics currently being discussed on the Volunteering and Working Abroad forum at BootsnAll:
- What does it mean to be a “native English speaker?” Does it have anything to do with skin color? Iky is concerned about finding a job teaching English overseas as a British Indian. While on the surface it would appear that one’s race wouldn’t have anything to do with one’s native tongue, TedKarma says that often some employers are looking for white teachers – and preferably young, blonde and blue-eyed. Will this keep iky from finding work?
- An oldie but a goodie – Ramblin’ asks where to look to begin finding work teaching English in Korea, and gets some great resources.
Please contribute your thoughts and comments to these threads! And if you’re not already a member, sign-up here – it’s free!